Workshop 1: Jennifer Wong (online)

Friday 6 May, 10.00-12.00 Online workshop via Zoom £15 Breaking down stereotypes through poetry Stereotypes exist everywhere we look. In the way we name people and places, in the purchase of ready-made language, themes and forms. In this 21st century, how do we advocate change and equality through our writing? What language do we claim… Continue reading Workshop 1: Jennifer Wong (online)

Workshop 2: Polly Atkin (online)

Friday 6 May, 12.00-14.00 Online workshop via Zoom £15 To speak the impossible hope of the firefly: trying to notice joy in a time of ecological crisis How can we write through, about and against ecological crisis without being eaten by despair? In this workshop we will look at poems that address climate emergency, apocalyptic… Continue reading Workshop 2: Polly Atkin (online)

Workshop 4: Sean O’Brien

Saturday 7 May, 12.00-14.00 Percy Building, Newcastle University £20 Songs From the Drowned World Over seventy percent of Earth is covered in water. This figure is predicted to rise, and the map of globe to change, in some places beyond recognition. Whatever the outcome, poets will be compelled to address it. In this workshop we’ll… Continue reading Workshop 4: Sean O’Brien

Workshop 3: André Naffis-Sahely

Saturday 7 May, 10.00-12.00 Percy Building, Newcastle University £20 Writing About Labour Rights How do we craft class-aware poems that can fit into the notion of a social poetics? This workshop will instruct participants on how the labour movement has been written about by workers themselves, taking a specific look at the poetry written in… Continue reading Workshop 3: André Naffis-Sahely

Workshop 4: Hannah Lowe

Saturday 7 May, 12.00-14.00 Percy Building, Newcastle University £20 Breaking the Sonnet This workshop will consider the contemporary sonnet or ‘little song’ as it translates from the Italian – often described as a ‘box’ because of its visual look and tight formal constraints. We will read and discuss a range of sonnets by formal sonneteers to sonnet experimenters, looking at how… Continue reading Workshop 4: Hannah Lowe

Poetry Live!

Friday 6th May, 10am-12pm Frederick Douglass Centre Free (event for schools only) Newcastle Poetry Festival invites schools in the North East to a special edition of Poetry Live! which brings GCSE poetry to life. Featuring readings from some of the UK’s most known and loved poets, including Imtiaz Dharker, Simon Armitage, Grace Nichols, John Agard,… Continue reading Poetry Live!