Hannah Hodgon is an award-winning poet and a palliative care patient. In her compelling debut collection 163 Days, she uses a panoply of medical, legal, and personal vocabularies to explore what illness, death and dying does to a person as both patient and witness.
Category: Participants
Jason Allen Paisant
Jason Allen-Paisant is from a village called Coffee Grove in Manchester, Jamaica. At present, he’s a lecturer in Caribbean Poetry & Decolonial Thought in the School of English at the University of Leeds, where he’s also the Director of the Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. He serves on the editorial board of Callaloo: Journal… Continue reading Jason Allen Paisant
Johnny Fluffypunk
Stand-up poet and lo-fi theatremaker Jonny Fluffypunk has been dragging his art around the UK and occasionally beyond for over 20 years, deafly fusing bittersweet autobiography, disillusionment and wonder into an act that has established him as a firm favourite at gigs, festivals and housing benefit offices everywhere. He has two volumes of poems, micro-fictions… Continue reading Johnny Fluffypunk
Roger Robinson
Roger Robinson is a writer who has performed worldwide. He is the winner of the T.S. Eliot Prize 2019, RSL Ondaatje Prize 2020 and RSL Fellow. He was chosen by Decibel as one of 50 writers who have influenced the Black-British writing canon. His latest collection ‘A Portable Paradise’ was a New Statesman book of… Continue reading Roger Robinson
Yomi Sode
Yomi is an award-winning Nigerian British writer. He is a recipient of the Jerwood Compton Poetry fellowship 2019 and was shortlisted for The Brunel International African Poetry Prize 2021. Yomi has been published in magazines such as The Poetry Review, Rialto Magazine, Bath Magg and Magma. He is a performer, facilitator, trustee, member of Malika’s Poetry Kitchen and a Complete Works Alumni.… Continue reading Yomi Sode
Helen Bowell
Helen Bowell is London-based poet, producer and arts administrator. She is an Education Officer at The Poetry Society, and runs its Young Poets Network and Poets in Schools programmes. She is also a co-director of Dead [Women] Poets Society, a live literature organisation that ‘resurrects’ women poets of the past. Helen is a Ledbury Poetry… Continue reading Helen Bowell
Kris Johnson
Kris Johnson is from Seattle, Washington. She holds a PhD in creative writing from Newcastle University for a creative and critical thesis that explores the relationship between deep ecology, the nature essay and poetry. In 2019, she was awarded a Developing Your Creative Practice Grant from Arts Council England. Her poetry has appeared in journals… Continue reading Kris Johnson
Anna Bailey
Don Jenkins
Donald Jenkins is performance poet, writer and spoken word producer. His work has featured in – ‘New Word Order’ anthology- ‘The Writer’s Cafe’ magazine and ‘Riggwelter’ journal and ‘Best New British Poets 2020/21 Anthology’ from Eyewear Publishing. Jenkins won the Great Gateshead Poetry Slam 2018 and has performed at Glastonbury Festival and Royal Albert Hall.… Continue reading Don Jenkins
Rowan McCabe
Rowan McCabe is a poet from Newcastle upon Tyne. He’s been commissioned by Channel 4, Radio 3’s ‘The Verb’ and the National Trust. He has performed his work around the UK, from the Edinburgh Fringe to Glastonbury Festival and was the world’s first Door-to-Door Poet.